Attention Lower Back Pain Sufferers!

"WARNING: If You Want To Be Free From Lower Back Pain (even If You've Tried To Stretch In The Past And Failed) - Read This Entire Letter Right Now" 

Here's a special message for every Back Pain Sufferer who needs to stretch regularly, but can't take the time to stretch nor have the desire to....
Back Pain Really Sucks
From The Desk of: Adam Hansen
Re: Eliminating Lower Back Pain
Hi, I’m Adam Hansen and I am the author and course developer who has helped literally hundreds of people around the world eliminate lower back pain understanding their body and the importance of a regular body maintenance routine.

I'm here to tell you the TRUTH you need to know about Eliminating Lower Back Pain!

In fact, here's the biggest problem you face right now.

It's the ability to function properly in everyday life. But that's not the end of the problem. 
It actually gets worse! 
Because most people give up and never make the effort to change the 
outcomes of their lives!
Which means you'll never experience the joy of a pain free life, and always seek an external source to fix your problems.
And, worst of all, most Lower Back Pain Sufferers can't get past the idea that the only way to relieve their lower back pain is through either medications or surgery.
But Luckily for You There's Now A Solution to Your Problem!!
But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you...
There I was, a hard working tradesman trying to build my family lifestyle 
and pay the mortgage.
The thing is, at the time I was getting out of bed each morning and head off to work with my lower back pain .
The big problem was that I constantly pushed through the pain with pain killers etc, and one day my back said no more and it spasmed bring me to a complete halt unable to work. That meant that I would struggle to pay the mortgage and the bills, which made me feel like I let everyone down because I couldn't do my job at my fullest potential.

Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened...

I was introduced to some basic stretches and explained how regular stretching could reduce my lower back pain and make it more tolerable enlightening me about how I can truly add value to my life!

Instantly it became crystal clear to me how to incorporate a daily maintenance routine to fulfill my life long goals and be the best person I could for my family, because I saw I was able to get on with my life working smarter not harder.
My plan was to start looking after my own best interest and that was my physical and mental body.

So, I started a daily lower back maintenance routine that has proven to keep me in the physical shape required to do my job at the highest level. But we didn’t stop there.
We then started to share my routine with friends, family and work colleagues who were suffering lower back pain, and not having much relief in what they were already doing. .

After that, we created a lower back routine that only takes 3-5min every morning and built it around an existing habit to minimise the thoughts of I don't have time to do this.
Bottom line: In the end we were able to go back to work and play with little to no pain.
Building on that success, we decided to refine the routine as the first thing you do in the morning and do it whilst the kettle is boiling.

We call it “Builders Back - Building a strong back for life”.

With Builders Back - Building a strong and healthy back for life only taking 3-5 min of my time I can now surf as good if not better as in my youth and I am still on the improve!

And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can get these types of results too!

So, here's what I've got for you today...

If you're a Lower Back Pain Sufferer who really needs to eliminate lower back pain, but can't find the solution to do so, here's the solution you've been looking for...
Let me introduce you to "Builders Back - Building a strong back for life" which helps you develop a daily routine for back maintenance and only takes the time it takes to make a cup of coffee!
"Builders Back - Building a strong back for life" makes it simple for you to:
  • Eliminate lower back pain from your life...
  • Develop a strong back for life and achieve your ultimate desires...
  • Create a daily maintenance program that will save your life ...
  • Bypass all the pain and spend more time with the kids and grandkids...
  • ​Become stronger and achieve the highest version of yourself… 
... and much, MUCH more!
And best of all... 
You'll start seeing results with "Builders Back - Building a strong & healthy back for life" in a couple of weeks and it costs less than a counter meal & beer at the pub.

So again, if you're a someone suffering lower back pain who wants to take back their life and live free from pain, understand this:

• The longer you leave your back this way the harder it is to relieve the pain...
• Your healthy back is what creates your healthy mind and the motivational drive to succeed in life...
• The sooner your lower back is healthy and strong the better off your life will be in every area and all concerned in your life...


Get on Board "Builders Back - Building a strong back for life" holds the key to your success!
Building a strong back for life!!!
Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With Builders Back - Building a strong back for life
Offer Piece #1 - Builders Back - Building a Strong Back For Life 
This Ebook is your solution to go through life taking control of your lower back pain and how you can bypass the pain and get out of bed with a spring in your step everyday and Work hard free from pain making enough money to provide a quality life for you and your family.
Offer Piece #2 - ABC of Acupuncture 
This Ebook makes it a snap to understand how acupuncture has been used successfully for thousands of years              Enabling you to Uncover The Concepts Of Qi & and how this energy flows through Meridians... 
And discover the truth about the mysterious practise of acupuncture & how it can improve your life... 
Offer Piece #3 - The Antioxidant Power Report 
This Report helps you to punch a real blow to sickness and disease and determine that antioxidants are useful in the prevention of carcinogenic effects of oxidation. 
And identify the 3 BIG Super Foods and their relationship with your immune system.
It's Your Back And It's Worth It!
Limited Time Offer!!!

Act Now And Get These Incredible Bonuses...


The big book of home remedies is an opportunity to discover the amazing amount of remedies you can simply make at home and you will find that they actually work. This is just another step of you taking back control of your life, even if you can use a couple of the remedies in this book you can be assured that they will have paid for this package let alone the money you will save on both over the counter and pharmaceutical drugs. 


Super foods are full of anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals but they also contain amino acids, which are the basic structural building blocks of proteins. Proteins make up the bulk of all your cells structure. They also act as enzymes for cellular reactions. 


 Eighty-four-year-old Zhu Zongxiang has the vigor and vitality of man half his age. In a few old and shabby rooms situated near a group of ancient buildings in Beijing, the old doctor has stubbornly persisted in learning more about the meridians of acupuncture for more than 30 years. He often said he was a traitor to Western medicine.
He developed this simple qigong routine and was intent on spreading it to as many people in the world as possible, we offer this as a free bonus to assists in the self help healing package we have put together here.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee 

If "Builders Back - Building a strong & healthy back for life" doesn't help you Eliminate lower back pain from your life... if it doesn't Develop a strong back for life and achieve your ultimate desires... or if it fails to create a daily maintenance program that will save your life ... then we'll refund your money, No Questions Asked! All the risk is squarely on our shoulders. You have nothing to lose and all the success to gain with your Eliminating Lower Back Pain results!
And what makes this even better?
Now you never have to worry about Yourself --- or that your thoughts lead to your own self sabotage!

Which also means you're not stuck feeling like you'll never experience the joy, of becoming the best version of yourself.

And best of all... you'll start seeing results with "Builders Back - Building a strong back for life" in 2-3 months of daily practice (with the best results after 6 months of commitment) and it costs less than a counter meal & beer at the pub.

So again, if you're a a professional or everyday worker who wants to take back your life and live free from pain, understand this:

• You can start your journey to a strong and healthy back right now...

• When you build a back for life you will have support for life...

• The instant it's done you become the author of your life and wright a new path for you and your family...

• Now you are just one stretch away from building your back for life

Here's to your success with Builders Back!

Adam Hansen

PS - If you're a professional or everyday worker who wants to take back their life and live free from pain, then Builders Back - Building a strong back for life is the solution you've been looking for... let's get started today!

Here’s A Recap Of


When You Purchase This AMAZING Offer!

  • Builders Back - Building a Strong Back For Life ($47 Value)
  • ABC of Acupuncture ($39 Value)
  • ​ The Antioxidant Power Report ($27 Value)
  • ​BONUS #1: The Big Book of Home Remedies ($37 Value)
  • ​BONUS #2: SuperFoods List ($23 Value)
  • ​BONUS #3: 3-1-2 Meridian Qigong ($37 Value)

Total value: $210.00

For one payment of $117 $17

Here's to your success with Eliminating Lower Back Pain !
Adam Hansen
PS - If you're sick and tired of the ability to function properly in everyday life, then Builders Back - Building a strong & healthy back for life is the solution you've been looking for... let's get started today!

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